It is sometimes difficult to be sure that objectives at this level actually do involve comprehension and not merely rote knowledge. If students can use a unique wording, expand on a definition of concept, or illustrate something, we can be fairly sure that their responses do not merely involve memorization of material.
The third level in the cognitive domain is referred to as application (Bloom, 1956), or simply, apply, according to Krathwohl’s (1998) proposed revision. Rules, principles, and basic knowledge are used to solve problems or are applied to a new context. Thus, this level involves the application of previously learned knowledge in another unfamiliar situation.
After this session, students should be able to use the t-test formula to determine whether or not the means of two sets of date are significantly different from each other.
I plan to write objectives in the affective domain of learning for my course.
I want to be able to use Netscape Navigator to find information on Japanese beetles.
At the application level of learning, there is usually a clear and correct product.
Analysis is the fourth level in the hierarchy. Krathwohl (1998) uses the verb form and calls this level analyze. The components of a theory, model, concept, or idea are taken apart, and the relationships between them are examined. Comparisons are made, similarities and differences identified, and the distinction between major and minor topics is clarified.
We will identify and describe the five components of a short story, as well as noting any elements that are missing, in a story we have not read before.
You will be able to explain at least three major differences between the theories of Freud and Jung.
Students should be able to compare and contrast the strategies used by the players in a aquash match.
It is sometimes difficult to be sure that objectives at this level actually do involve comprehension and not merely rote knowledge. If students can use a unique wording, expand on a definition of concept, or illustrate something, we can be fairly sure that their responses do not merely involve memorization of material. The third level in the cognitive domain is referred to as application (Bloom, 1956), or simply, apply, according to Krathwohl’s (1998) proposed revision. Rules, principles, and basic knowledge are used to solve problems or are applied to a new context. Thus, this level involves the application of previously learned knowledge in another unfamiliar situation. After this session, students should be able to use the t-test formula to determine whether or not the means of two sets of date are significantly different from each other. I plan to write objectives in the affective domain of learning for my course. I want to be able to use Netscape Navigator to find information on Japanese beetles.At the application level of learning, there is usually a clear and correct product. Analysis is the fourth level in the hierarchy. Krathwohl (1998) uses the verb form and calls this level analyze. The components of a theory, model, concept, or idea are taken apart, and the relationships between them are examined. Comparisons are made, similarities and differences identified, and the distinction between major and minor topics is clarified. We will identify and describe the five components of a short story, as well as noting any elements that are missing, in a story we have not read before. You will be able to explain at least three major differences between the theories of Freud and Jung. Students should be able to compare and contrast the strategies used by the players in a aquash match.
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