Do not use a toothbrush if:
- Brushing is too painful even with pain medication
- Bleeding in oral mucosa does not stop after 2 minutes
• If unable to brush, clean teeth with foam swab or moist gauze over finger accompanied with vigorous rinsing using recommended oral rinse solution
NOTE: If there has been an oral infection, use a new toothbrush after infection has resolved Oral rinses
• Increase use of mouth rinses to:
- Every 1-2 hours while awake
- Every 4 hours overnight (if awake)
- Increase frequency as needed for symptom severity increases
Lip care
• Continue to apply water based lubricant to protect and moisten lips Dentures
• Keep dentures out of mouth as much as possible until symptoms resolve
Frequent mouth care using oral rinse and foam swab every 1-2 hours (or as tolerated)
• Apply water based lubricant to lips every 1-2 hours
• No brushing, flossing or dentures until symptoms resolve