Fresh basil is very soft and damaged easily by rough handling, dehydration, and
chilling. To ensure and maintain product quality, minimise bruising when harvesting
and packaging. Harvested basil is usually dipped in cold water to remove soil
particles and some of the insects that are not strongly adhering to the plant. It is
then dried off prior to sorting and packing the product. Basil may be packed in
bulk or packed in bunches, propylene bags or similar packaging used for herbs.
For a dried product, basil should be cut 15 cm above the ground. The foliage is
stripped from the stems. Drying should occur in a warm, well-ventilated place
to retain a good green colour. Commercial driers are used on bigger farms.
Packaging in smaller containers is sometimes done where producers have the
necessary facilities
Fresh basil is very soft and damaged easily by rough handling, dehydration, andchilling. To ensure and maintain product quality, minimise bruising when harvestingand packaging. Harvested basil is usually dipped in cold water to remove soilparticles and some of the insects that are not strongly adhering to the plant. It isthen dried off prior to sorting and packing the product. Basil may be packed inbulk or packed in bunches, propylene bags or similar packaging used for herbs.For a dried product, basil should be cut 15 cm above the ground. The foliage isstripped from the stems. Drying should occur in a warm, well-ventilated placeto retain a good green colour. Commercial driers are used on bigger farms.Packaging in smaller containers is sometimes done where producers have thenecessary facilities
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