The evaluation shows that the demonstrated solution is capable of autonomous flight and collision avoidance in mul-tiple scenarios. A main contribution of this work is to disprove the myth that only expensive sensors like laser scanner are suitable for such a task and low-cost range finders are not.The evaluation showed that the system is capable to avoid collisions with obstacles such as walls and people while it can control its distance towards them.In the previous work about distance controlled collision avoidance and fully autonomous flight using ultrasonic sensors only [18], [20], it was not possible to avoid collisions with persons, because the ultrasonic sensors failed to detect them reliably. The present paper demonstrated a solution to that limitation by fusing IR and US sensors.Because the presented solution merges multiple low-cost sensors of different technologies (infrared, ultrasonic), it is more reliable and cheaper than state of the art solutions. Fur-thermore the presented approach is much easier to implement in case of mathematical complexity compared to existing approaches, while keeping the computational burden low, reducing development and maintenance costs. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, no fully autonomous system exists, which is comparable in power. The infrared sensors may be replaced by a low-cost laser scanner such as the RP Lidar. Such a solution would be slightly more reliable in case of better sensor coverage, however more expensive and heavier. A more powerful pro-cessor like an Intel Atom or the AMD T56N might be required in this case, which also increases costs and weight. Also the sample rate of the infrared sensors can be set higher compared to the frequency of a scanner. Nevertheless the RP Lidar could be a good improvement of the mentioned solution, which needs to be investigated in the future. Another option for future work is the evaluation of the obstacle detection sensors by all sensors of the AQopterI8. This means the quadrotor would use besides the RP Lidar also the SV (stereo vision) system and the PMD nano (pho-tonic mixing device). This can improve the performance and reliability of the system further, but it would also increase the weight and the costs of the system.