Improving your Store
nopCommerce enables you to view various reports to enable you to improve your store and service. These include:
• Dashboards reports, below
• Low Stock Reports, page 314
• Customer Statistics, page 314
• Logs, page 318
• Schedule Tasks, page 320
• Message Queue, page 320
• Search Engine Friendly Page Name, page 323
Dashboard Reports
The dashboard enables you to view your store statistics, this includes, the total
number of orders that were processes over the last, year, month, week and
more. This includes the number of incomplete orders that are still pending as
well as the number of customers that have signed up in the last year, week, or
month. On the dashboard, you can also view the most popular products in your
To view the dashboard reports:
1 Click the Dashboard icon on the Toolbar. The store
statistics are displayed, as follows.
Improving your Store 313
The store statistics includes the following:
• Order totals: It enables you to know the number of order that
were processed in the last day, week, month, year and the order
• Incomplete orders: Enables you to know the number of orders
that are currently pending.
• Registered customers: Enables you to know how many
customers registered in the last, 7 days, 14 days, month and year. • Best Sellers: Enables you to know the best product sellers.
Low Stock Reports
The low stock report contains a list of products that are currently under stock.
In the example shown below, the min stock quantity was set to 20 and the
stock quantity is 0, therefore a low stock report is generated for this product.
For further info on defining these settings refer to, Adding Products as
described on page 126.
To view low stock reports:
1 From the Catalog menu, select Products>Low Stock Report. The
Product Low Stock report window is displayed.
2 Click Edit to view the Product info tab, where these settings stock can
settings can be changed.
Customer Statistics
This section describes how to generate and view reports describing information regarding customer language, location gender and more.
314 Improving your Store
Customers by Order Total
This section describes how to generate a report displaying the top 20 customers based on the total amount spent.
To generate the customer by order total report:
1 From the Customers, select Customer Reports. The Customer
Reports window is displayed, showing the Top 20 customer by order total tab, as follows:
2 Enter one or more of the following information to search for the
customer by order total report:
• From the Start date field select the start date for the search.
• From the End date field select the end date for the search.
• From the Order Status dropdown list, select the order status to search by, • as follows:
• All
• Pending
• Processing
• Complete
• Cancelled
• From the Payment Status dropdown list, select the payment status to search
by, as follows:
• All
• Pending
• Authorized
• Paid
• Refunded
• Partially Refunded
• Voided
Improving your Store 315
• From the Shipping Status dropdown list, select the shipping status to search
by, as follows:
• All
• Shipping not Required
• Not Yet Shipped
• Partially shipped
• Shipped
• Delivered
Customers by Number of Orders
This section describes how to generate a report displaying the top 20 customers based on the total number of orders issued.
To generate the customer by number of
orders report:
1 From the Customers, select Customer Statistics. The Customer
Statistics window is displayed, showing the Top 20 customer by
order total tab, as shown on page 315.
2 Select the Top 20 customers by number of orders tab, as follows:
3 Enter one or more of the following information to search for the
customer by order total report:
• From the Start date field select the start date for the search.
• From the End date field select the end date for the search.
• From the Order Status dropdown list, select the order status to search by, as
• All
• Pending
• Processing
• Complete
• Cancelled
316 Improving your Store
4 From the Payment Status dropdown list, select the payment status to
search by, as follows:
• All
• Pending
• Authorized
• Paid
• Refunded
• Partially Refunded
• Voided
• From the Shipping Status dropdown list, select the shipping status to search
by, as follows:
• All
• Shipping not Required
• Not Yet Shipped
• Partially shipped
• Shipped
• Delivered
Registered Customers
This report shows the number of registered customers for a certain period. You can generate a report displaying the number of registered users from the last, week, two weeks, month and year. If required you can also view the full list of the registered users from the selected time period by clicking the View button and reverting back to the Manage Customers window.
To generate the registered customers
1 From the Customers, select Customer Reports. The Customer
Reports window is displayed, showing the Top 20 customer by order total tab, as shown on page 315.
2 Select the Registered customers tab, as follows:
Improving your Store 317
The period of time for which to display the number of registered customers is displayed, as follows:
• 7 days
• 14 days
• Month
• Year
The number of register customers for the selected period is displayed in the Count column.
The system log report displays a list of all the errors that were created in the system. This information includes, the log type the customer that created the error, the date, and the description of the error. Clicking View, displays
additional details of the error that occurred. You can click Delete to remove a log from the system if required.
To view system log information:
1 From the System menu, select Log. The System Log window is
318 Improving your Store
2 Enter one or more of the following information to search for the system
log information:
• From the Created from field, select the start date for the search.
• From the Created to field, select the end date for the search.
• In the Message field, select the message or part of the message to search by.
• From the Log level dropdown list, select the type of log information to
display, as follows:
• All
• Debug
• Information
• Warning
• Error
• Fatal
3 Click Search. The log system window is displayed based on the search
criteria, as follows:
Note: You can click the button at any time to remove all log entries from
the system.
Improving your Store 319
4 Click View to view additional details of the specific log, as follows:
Schedule Tasks กำหนดตั้งเวลา
ในช่วงระยะเวลาที่แน่นอนในพื้นหลังและเพื่อดูข้อมูลที่เป็นประโยชน์เกี่ยวกับงานและไม่ว่าจะเสร็จสมบูรณ์ ยกตัวอย่างเช่นการจัดคิว nopCommerce ส่งอีเมลเป็นระยะ ๆ งานทำงานในหัวข้อแยกมาจากสระว่ายน้ำด้าย ASP.NET To schedule tasks:
1 จากเมนูระบบเลือกงานตาราง งานที่จัดตารางเวลา
2 หน้ากำหนดตั้งเวลาแสดง
320 Improving your Store
2 คลิกที่ปุ่มแก้ไขนอกเหนือจากงานที่จะแก้ไข หน้าต่างถูกขยาย
3 เลือกช่องที่จำเป็นดังต่อไปนี้:
• ที่เปิดใช้งาน: เลือกที่จะเปิดใช้งาน
• หยุดข้อผิดพลาด: เลือกที่จะหยุดงานเมื่อเกิดข้อผิดพลาด.
4 คลิกการปรับปรุงการบันทึกการแก้ไขของคุณ.
Improving your Store 321
Message Queue
อีเมลจะไม่ถูกส่งทันทีใน nopCommerce พวกเขาถูกจัดคิว มีคิวข้อความอีเมลทั้งหมดที่ถูกส่งไปแล้วหรือยังไม่ได้ส่ง To load message queues:
1 จากเมนูระบบเลือกคิวข้อความ
322 Improving your Store
2 Enter one or more of the following information to search for the
message queue:
• From the Start date field select the start date for the message queue.
• From the End date field select the end date for the message queue.
• In the From address field enter the source address of the message queue.
• In the To address field enter the target address of the message queue.
• Select the Load not sent emails only checkbox to only load emails into the
queue that have not yet been sent.
• In the Maximum send attempts field, enter the maximum number of
attempts to send a message.
• In the Go directly to email field, enter the email and click Go to display the
required email.
3 Click Load to load the message queues matching the criteria.
Note: You can click the Delete selected button to delete selected message
queues from the grid.
Search Engine Friendly Page
เครื่องยนต์ชื่อหน้าเป็นมิตร (ประเภทผู้ผลิตผลิตภัณฑ์ข่าวและบล็อก
1 จากเมนูระบบเลือก Search Engine Friendly หน้า