We recently received a request to recover your Microsoft account pungman2010@hotmail.com. Unfortunately, our automated system has determined that the information you provided was not sufficient for us to validate your account ownership. Microsoft takes the security and privacy of our customers very seriously, and our commitment to protecting your personal information requires that we take the utmost care in ensuring that you are the account owner.
We have taken the additional step of blocking your account pungman2010@hotmail.com until we can verify you as the account owner. This will prevent any further use of the account, and protect you from any possible malicious activity.
Please submit a new account verification form
At this point, your best option is to submit a new form with as much accurate information as you can gather. The more information you can include in the form, the better the chance you’ll have of regaining access to your account. We’ve included a few tips below to help you fill out the form as completely as possible.
> Submit a new form
Helpful tips for filling out another form:
Answer as many questions as you can.
Use the information you provided when you created the account, or last updated it.
Submit the form from a computer you frequently use.
You will be asked to list recently used email addresses and the subject lines from recent emails. Ask for help from family members, friends, or business contacts to confirm their email addresses and tell you the subject lines of the last three emails they sent you.
Make sure to use the correct domain for your account, such as hotmail.com, live.com, or outlook.com. Keep in mind that your email address may be country specific. For example, if you created your account in Sweden, your domain would be “hotmail.co.se” rather than “hotmail.com”.
> Submit a new form
Thank you,
Microsoft Support Team
Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052
Account recovery request 159477673 is now closed. Please do not reply to this message. Replies to this message are routed to an unmonitored mailbox. Microsoft respects your privacy. To learn more, please read our Privacy Statement.
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