Just from the mere wind pressure produced by her swing of the legendary Alkanshel sword, the candle lights which hanged on the wall several meters away from her blew out all at once. Delayed by one beat, her beautiful black hair was swaying vigorously before it fluffily settled down in accordance with gravity.
She was the woman capable of repelling a high-ranking demonic noble the “Princess Knight”…….The surrounding dark elves warriors were watching how powerful her display of skill was and they unanimously let out voices of admiration.
Right now they were in a cavern training ground in the corner of the underground village, the size of the area was about as big as a tennis court. Kirika was practicing her martial skills and was bisecting large rocks making them tumble and scatter into the ground.
「As expected, you are really good. Then, what about this…!」
All of a sudden Amelia was making moves to attack her and Kirika reflexively turned her face around before taking a defensive stance.
A whip like attack was being lashed out by Amelia using her chained blade and even though Kirika was able to repel the attack with her Alkanshel, the steel wire wrapped around her sword with their razor sharp teeth and was able to twine itself around the sword in the last second.
「Oi oi, I see a chance daze! Teriyaaah!!」(TL: Amelia has a quirk of using daze, kinda like Naruto’s dattebayo, it doesn’t really mean anything but it tells me she’s the speaker, what I will say though is that daze is a tomboyish way of speaking Einon any comments :P?)
Amelia’s tanned chest shook firmly as she pulled back the whip-formed sword with both of her hands.
In terms of brute physical strength Amelia was much stronger than Kirika and this caused her to stumble a few steps forward, Kirika was taken aback as her eyes opened widely, Amelia did not give her time to rest as she fiercely approached with a dash and throws out a strong kick.
「Ku……..Don’t underestimate, me!」
「Ohh, Owaah!?」
However, Kirika doesn’t sit still either, she immediately reacted and evaded the blow elegantly. She let go both of her hands from the Alkanshel sword, and she locked Amelia’s leg in between her armpits.
Just like that she utilized the force of the charge to break Amelia’s centre of gravity, and she rotated Amelia who was currently standing on one leg and flung her away……..But, Amelia wasn’t your average run of the mill warrior, she had a good sense of equilibrium and she succeeded in controlling her posture in mid-air. not only that she used the momentum of her spinning body to throw a round house kick with her other leg.
「Oops, my bad! I accidentally used my full strength, are you alright!?」
Although she put her arms up and blocked with the back of her wrist guard, Kirika could not kill off the power behind the kick and was blown away as she landed on her bottom.
Amelia was startled and she scratched her abundant red hair apologetically while she held out a helping hand towards Kirika. Kirika who saw how anxious and worried Amelia looked, could only giggle as she let out a smile of her own.
「As expected of you, Amelia…….In a situation like this where I have to fight on the ground and cannot rely on my Aerial Circle ability, I still have a long way to go and much to learn dawa」(TL: Kirika uses dawa instead of desuwa, wa is a much more feminine way of speaking so this is kind of like in between Amelia’s tomboyish way of speaking and Princess Sistina’s formal and girlish way of speaking)
「Heheh, you’re really amazing yourself. I didn’t even have time to play around and had to go all out」
Ohhhh!……….. The spectators who were watching such a high level exchange of martial skills was deeply impressed and a large applause resounded within the cave. Kirika was bashfully bowing her head and Amelia was doing a triumphant pose shouting out “Yay!”
The two girls were exchanging a pleasant conversation as they headed towards a small bathroom which was prepared for them next to the training grounds (This was indeed on a smaller scale that then open air bathroom but it still flowed with the high quality water that had healing properties on the body)
「Fuu……..Because of you, it became a really good training session, thanks Amelia」
「Don’t mention it, after all I wanted to exercise my body once in a while as well. There has been nobody but you that could handle me going full out, so it’s been really fun」
The both of them were submerged in the round bathtub of about 3 m in diameter, and their well-developed bosom’s were floating on the dark green colored hot water, as they rinsed away their sweat.
「That’s true……Nana’s condition is now like that….Besides even Celesta is….」
「Ahh, she still hasn’t woken up? I know her life isn’t in any danger but I’m starting to get a little worried daze」