The aim of collecting the students’ feedback was to determine if activities which implement IBSE strategies are
more successful than the actual science lessons and also if these IBSE activities are more close to the students
science class ideal than the actual ones.
Comparing the students’ feedback about actual science lessons and IBSE lessons, it was find out that, on the
average, 45% of the students considered that from different aspects the two type of lessons are the same. For
example, 51% of students gave the same answer before (about actual science lessons) and after (about IBSE science
lessons) the implementation to the question related to topic understanding. Thus, for 51% the IBSE activities didn’t
change anything in terms of topic understanding. Other 50% of students considered they have the same opportunity
to ask questions in both lessons - actual and IBSE. The same percentage, 50% of students gave identical answers to
the questions about level of individual effort and content - about studying facts and figures. At the other extreme,
only 32% of students considered that two types of lessons are identical in terms of importance to society in general.