To the best of our knowledge, no previous study has
evaluated the effect of RT followed by a de training period
on BP and HGS in elderly hypertensive sedentary women.
The results of the present study revealed that even after a
14-week de training period following RT, hypertensive older
women were able to maintain the benefits on BP and muscular
strength. Recently, Moraes etal 15 found a decrease of
16 mmHg in SBP of hypertensive middle-aged men after
12 weeks of RT. Moreover, the benefits of BP reduction
achieved with RT training were sustained for up to 4 weeks
without exercise. However, in contrast to the present study,
the population was middle-aged men (46±3 years), with a
shorter de training period of 4 weeks and participants had all
anti hypertensive medications gradually withdrawn. The study
by Moraes etal 15 is the only one that evaluated the effects
of de training (4 weeks) on BP in hypertensive individuals.
Despite the clinical effect found (decreased BP sustained),
the effects of RT cessation on BP without a washout period
(medication withdraw) in elderly hypertensive women were
poorly understood.