Phosphating is the most widely used metal pretreatmentprocess for the surface treatment and finishing of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Due to its economy, speed of operation and ability toafford excellent corrosion resistance, wear resistance, adhesion andlubricative properties, it plays a significant role in the automobile,process and appliance industries. Majority of the phosphatingbaths reported in literature require very high operating temper-atures ranging from 90 to 98◦C. The main drawback associatedwith high temperature operation is the energy demand, which isa major crisis in the present day scenario. One possible wayof meeting the energy demand and eliminating the difficulties encountered due to scaling of heating coils and, over heating ofthe bath, is through the use of low temperature phosphating baths.Though known to be in use since the 1940s, the low temperaturephosphating processes have become more significant today due tothe escalating energy costs. However, low temperature phosphat-ing processes are very slow and need to be accelerated by some