“This vitality filled hot blood.”
The degrading staggering Vampires obtained more vigor.
From the eyes that were losing focus to their arms, vitality, stamina, and mana too, all recovered.
Even at their deathbed, the Vampires were still not done.
Using this life stealing technique, they can regain their original power with a sip of fresh blood!
The Vampires would once again battle after having regained their vitality.
Also, not one of the Vampire Lords died.
They were far superior than other Vampires; and if the Unicorns and Pegasus weren’t cooperating with one another, then the Lords were stronger than them too.
Such were the Vampire Lords!
The vampire clan Jinhyeo that was led by Tori.
Even though his Intelligence wasn’t high in the first place, a lot of battle experience and skill proficiency built up when he battled with Weed.
Tori knew by watching Weed how to control the unruly Pegasus.
Tori used magic.
“Summon Spider!”
Huge spider webs were generated in the sky.
Sticky webs that connected every castles!
Obviously since the sky had no support, they couldn’t act as fixed location for the web.
Nevertheless, large networks were formed by the interweaving spider webs, and caught swarms of bats flying about.
Seeing these bats stuck on the webs, the Unicorns and Pegasus rushed at them with terrific speed.
The webs were pierced through and went limp.
But every time they pass though the webs, the beasts’ speed were increasing getting slower.
From the head to their limbs, the Shinsuis were tangled in the sticky webs and their movements were slowing down.
“Summon Spider!”
“Summon Spider!”
Seeing how the Jinhyeo clan effectively acted, other Vampires also simultaneously cast the skill.
Todeum’s castles, streets, and the sky above were struck with countless of intertwining spider webs.
Having pierced through many webs, the Pegasus had significantly dropped their speed, and many flocks of bats came like ominous clouds and drank their blood.
Weed, Geomchis, and the party were equipped and ready to embark.
As soon as the last battle in the castle ended, they all sank in exhaustion.
Without a pause to be happy about the accomplishment or a blissful rest, the war broke out between the Vampires and Shinsuis.
So for them, the recovery of health, stamina, and mana were all delayed.
“Let’s go. The final hunt!”
“It’s time we go out.”
The rumbling made Weed and the Geomchis jumped. And that still could not represent the massive situation going on about.
The entire castle felt the progression of the war.
With magic and summoned spirits rampant, the castle walls were in rumbles.
The Vampires, Unicorns, and Pegasus were in the middle of a fierce battle in mid air.
It was not an exaggeration to say that was where the main battlefield was.
Geomchi2 muttered in vanity.
“But how the heck are we going to fight in the sky?”
The activation of some skills had prerequisites. However, they were still severely depleted of mana.
Since they overly invested in Strength and some in Agility, the Geomchis were fundamentally fast and strong, and can use various weapons in all range.
Geomchi showed that he was the one with the most experience.
“We’re not limited to one weapon. If we can’t use sword, then we got our bow.”
“We have that as well!”
Therefore, following Geomchi’s actions, the instructors and practitioners all drew their bow in unison.
“All ready! Fire!”
The arrows that were seemingly to be coming off of siege weapons shot into the sky.
Many flew into the cobwebs but not only did they strike the Unicorns and Pegasus, the swarms of bats and Vampires were also hit.
“The humans are attacking us.”
The Vampires complained.
While only a few of the divine beasts were hit, the Vampires suffered heavy damage from those.
The reason being Weed created those bows for their strength and not accuracy; so instead of the targeted Shinsuis, they hit the pursuing Vampire flock instead.
“Hit it!”
“Continue shooting!”
Completely oblivious to this matter, the Geomchi group continues shooting toward the sky.
After having repeatedly attacked by the arrows, the Vampires were fiercely angry.
Even at this time, the unaware Geomchis kept doing it while not knowing this method was wrong.
Geomchi roamed around.
He was to be called whenever things did not work out!
For some situation, it was up to Weed to find an appropriate solution and they waited on his commands.
However, Weed was nowhere near Geomchi’s vicinity.
“Yes, master!”
“Where’s Weed?”
“Uhh. He was here a while ago…”
“Look for him.”
Geomchi2 and all the practitioners looked for Weed.
Moments later, they found him at a distance.
He was in a place where many Unicorns and Pegasus had fallen during combat.
Due to their high level, the fallen had remarkably survived.
They continued a strenuous effort to get airborne by flapping away, but to no avail.
Along with the Vampires and bats that fell and were subjected to their life stealing technique, the Shinsuis were paralyzed.
Resistance owes more misery!
Weed quietly grabbed the horn on one of the Unicorns.
“You won’t feel the horn.”
This time, he pulled out Zahab’s carving knife.
“The smoothness of this shiny polished leather.”
The strength of these muscles. I think its well taken care of.”
The horn taken, leather skin skinned, and even up the muscles, he took them all.
Even after death, horns or leathers could be obtained.
But the odds of selling them at a premium price were higher if they were obtained when the beasts were alive.
In several cases, the Shinsuis bellowed just once more, and then died.
Since the beasts were already almost near death in this state, the EXP attained weren’t much when killed, but generous amount of items could be acquired through this method.
Each one dropped several loots such as Gold or Silvers, mats, and even armors and weapons!
Such luck won’t return a second time.
It was like a dream for Weed.
‘The loot’s tower also came out good. The Japtem(Loot) God is so gracious to me.’
On the Versailles continent, this was not a recognized religion. Its existence was solely through rumors and words of mouth.
Nevertheless, the Japtem God was just as great as any other!
In the past, someone obtained five Unique Grade equipments in just 2 hours of grinding on the Honose plains!
In the mountains around Fort Ohdein, someone found a cart of Dwarfen made gloves just by walking around!
And someone claimed to have found 70000 Gold worth of loots from a treasure chest in a cave nobody lives in; myths like these of the Japtem God has been endless.
Weed has been a devoted follower of the loots and items’ faith.
Of course of course, he absolutely won’t ever make a donation.
One being there was no formal temple.
Also, the Japtem God was generous. Simple prayer in one’s room was enough to beget His grace.
A single doctrine.
'Do not throw japtem away in vain. In this world, no japtem was useless.'
Among the Dark Gamers, the sensation of this japtem doctrine reverberated considerably and its ideal was widely valued.
‘At last, I have received the Japtem God’s blessing I’ve heard so much about.’
Whenever he seized one, he could earn at least 900 Gold.
If they couldn’t recover their wounds and take to the sky, those that could barely function pretty much considered themselves dead.
This too, was a battle against the Unicorns and Pegasus who were on the ground, so Weed had no reason to hesitate.
And then, noticing Weed’s behaviors, Pale, Maylon, Zephyr, Hwaryeong, and Romuna too, diligently attacked the Shinsuis.
If you can believe it, Mapan also went out.
As a Merchant, he was weaker than most; and even though his main objective was to stay alive in most battles, he now held a huge ax up and singled out a dropped Unicorn to hit.
Geomchis also realized.
“We’re going to catch those that are down on land. Get them all!”