Body very deep, almost oval, strongly compressed (40-50% SL in specimens > 10 cm SL); belly keeled with scutes (ca. 28). Mouth inferior; upper jaw with a distinct median notch. Opercle smooth, without bony striae. Longest lower gill rakers shorter than corresponding gill filaments. Shoulder girdle (cleithrum) margin without fleshy outgrowths. Last dorsal-fin ray not filamentous. Scales cycloid with denticulation along posterior margin; a median series of predorsal scales present. Color: body silvery, darker dorsally; occiput to nape yellowish or gold. a large black spot behind gill opening Size: maximum ca. 18 cm SL. Distribution: widely distributed in Indo-West Pacific from the Persian Gulf to New Caledonia. Remarks: found in inshore waters and estuaries, feeds on zoo- and phytoplanktons. Marketed fresh, dried, or dried-salted.(Seishi Kimura)