Algal blooms have become a major concern in
coastal areas and the great lakes of the world. Because of their
various consequences for aquatic ecosystems and resources,
algal blooms are called “harmful algal blooms” (HABs).
HABs often become severely detrimental when they involve
one or more toxin-producing microalgae of various taxonomic
origins. The accumulation of algal biomass also has deleterious
effects on the ecological status of water. However, appropriate
management strategies can allow the beneficial utilization
of these events by consuming the biomass feedstock in
the production of valuable biocommodities, including
biofuels, functional food ingredients, UV-absorbing compounds,
pharmaceutical products, etc. However, if the algal
biomass can be harvested prior to the onset of their death
phase, nutrients (carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus) can also
be removed from the ecosystem by harvesting the algal
blooms. Great progress has been made in the last decade in
monitoring and predicting HABs, and a demand is emerging
for persuasive postevent management policies that focus on