S. droebachiensis (Eddy et al., 2012;
Kennedy et al., 2005), and Pseudocentrotus depressus (Akiyama et al.,
2001). Hammer et al. (2004) found that artificial diets with less than
15% protein did not support growth or substantial weight gain in
small L. variegatus. Thus, the optimal growth achieved by feeding with
Porphyra sp. and G. chilensis can be explained principally by their nutritional
qualities (i.e., protein and organic matter content).
S. droebachiensis (Eddy et al., 2012;Kennedy et al., 2005), and Pseudocentrotus depressus (Akiyama et al.,2001). Hammer et al. (2004) found that artificial diets with less than15% protein did not support growth or substantial weight gain insmall L. variegatus. Thus, the optimal growth achieved by feeding withPorphyra sp. and G. chilensis can be explained principally by their nutritionalqualities (i.e., protein and organic matter content).
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