Air and water pollution the man made pollutants that are the most destructive, like greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming and the destruction of the ozone. mainly emitted from power plants, cars, planes and other vehicles and comes from burning. And create water pollution with adding chemicals and oils to the water from factories, mining and oil spills and throwing garbage into open waters from rivers. I am concerned about air and water pollution So I tried reduction pollution that causes of air and water pollution. For example ride a bicycle or walk instead of using the car . or if you buy a new car , get a hybrid vehicle so that you can save on gas and don’t throw litter into rivers.and
don’t throw paints, oils or other forms of litter down the drain.
It is an easy way and anyone can do it.
The problem of water and air pollution may pose hazards to human well-being.we need to preserve oue natural resources.