the absence of information system which could
display condition, actual activity, and annual reporting of
kindergarten students in a platform which could be accessed
easily anywhere and anytime has led to be a major block
between coordination of student, parent, and teacher. One of
the most difficult technical implementation is how to compile
and display the update of children’s position and activity in a
fast (near real-time) duration while accessed from outside
communication. Based on these problems, the authors
designed and developed a network and application system of
tracking and identification module for classroom in the Future
Kindergarten Project. This network is consist of series of
webcams connected in serial communication with processing
unit, where each of them is connected locally with server
inside the kindergarten, which can be wiressly accessible from
parents. The display of children’s position is done with
HTML5 Canvas technology. Data update is done by method of
periodic asynchronous communication with server and
speeding up the function’s execution time. User interface is
developed in a web-basis with a Responsive Design concept. As
a result. The web is capable to be displayed in cross-platform
(from smartphone to personal computer) with average data
update speed up to 254 ms with LAN cable in teacher network
configuration and 1154 ms with wireless local access in parent
network configuration