The moisture content at l0O-350 cm is maintained at about 2%,
and it jumps to 14.5U at 370 cm, where it approaches the
groundwater table. After several rainfalls, the wetting front was at
50 cm in depth, and the mean moisture of 0-50 cm was 4.4%. At the
same time, the isotope profile in Fig. Bb shows three major peaks of
D2H and 5180 at the depth of 100-350 cm. Another higher peak is at
the depth of 50 cm, which should represent the newly infiltrated
rainfall and the residua} pore.water ihat- experieneed'repeated
evaporation. The three kinds ofevidence indicate that l0O-350 cm
is a transition zone where the upward groundwater endured
intense evaporation and which could not be recharged,by rainfall'
The moistuie keeps at low level, and the Cl-,2H and 18o concentrate
continuously and generate several peaks on the Profile.