Humanitas Publishing House is the most brand-oriented in communicating via newsletter,
since most of the messages sent present various events that it proposes. Once or twice a
month information on ‖news‖ regarding the company is also spread, in a standardized
format of the newsletter. Later, in March, information on the weekly events are also
transmitted. Therefore, the role of the newsletter seems to be rather informative and brand
supportive, rather than commercial. Very frequent mentioning of the leading authors and
other endorsements in the subject-line of the newsletters strengthen the brand. In the same
time, it seems that Humanitas has the most flexible approach, since the newsletter is not
sent regularly and it is related with the activity of the company. This is the reason why
several times during the monitoring period 2 newsletter were sent in several consequent
days or even in the same day (referring to activities related to the two divisions –
Humanitas and Humanitas Fiction). Another approach in strengthening the brand is the
special attention given to communicating both mentioned division. Since the first of
February, newsletters informing on Humanitas Fiction are sent to the readers (but no formal
selection between those receiving information on Humanitas or Humanitas Fiction could be