Worldwide Communications is more or less forced to build brands worldwide to justify their approach. They are having to adopt a team of marketing in the city. So how are we supposed to deal with the challenges the brand? First of all parts of activities to promote the brand. Activities in local can promote the brand such as McDonald. McDonald has a lot of activities in the local for promoting their brand, for example, McDonald celebrates Christmas in Northern Europe and has event activities for the Chinese New Year in Hong Kong.
A Strategic sometimes used as a strategy to enter the local market by sales promotion or. such as, the company may enter into the local market by cut the price of the product may be 50% or another to make consumer motivation to buy their product. And one of the promotion is buy one get one free promotion or buy one next price cut of 50% or buy 100pounds get free bonus. All of that promotion is the effect to the psychology of costumers. Customers will think the product is very cheap. For example,if you buy the first pizza of the night at 10 pounds and the second at 5 pounds or you can see pizza in store has a buy one get one free offer at 15 pounds.