The target PAHs were separated and quantified by using LC with
fluorescence detection. The mobile phase consisted of water:methanol
20:80 (v/v) (A) and acetonitrile (B) at a flow rate of
0.65 mL min1. The column temperature was set at 35 C. The gradient
elution program used was 30% B during the first 5 min and
ramp from 30% to 80% B over the next 15 min. The reconditioning
of the column took about 15 min. The fluorescence detection program
was performed at the following excitation and emission
wavelengths: BaA and Chry (kex 275 nm, kem 385 nm), BbF (kex
280 nm, kem 438 nm) and BaP (kex 280 nm, kem 405 nm). Calibration
curves for PAHs, in the concentration ranges specified in Table
3, were prepared by mixing 10 lL of acetonitrile solutions
containing the PAHs at different concentrations with 100 lL of
The target PAHs were separated and quantified by using LC withfluorescence detection. The mobile phase consisted of water:methanol20:80 (v/v) (A) and acetonitrile (B) at a flow rate of0.65 mL min1. The column temperature was set at 35 C. The gradientelution program used was 30% B during the first 5 min andramp from 30% to 80% B over the next 15 min. The reconditioningof the column took about 15 min. The fluorescence detection programwas performed at the following excitation and emissionwavelengths: BaA and Chry (kex 275 nm, kem 385 nm), BbF (kex280 nm, kem 438 nm) and BaP (kex 280 nm, kem 405 nm). Calibrationcurves for PAHs, in the concentration ranges specified in Table3, were prepared by mixing 10 lL of acetonitrile solutionscontaining the PAHs at different concentrations with 100 lL ofSUPRAS.
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