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#618: Flame of ( Part 2 ) revenge
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c_t ; „In this Illusory Demon Realm, so long as knows that the Golden Crow Lightning Flame Valley person, knows, only if the Golden Crow Lightning Flame Valley seal opens or shuts down voluntarily, otherwise did not have any method to enter and come out certainly this is also Duke Huai a moment ago diligently quibbled the taken advantage thing.[ Renews quickly, website page is neat, advertisement are few, most liked this website, wanted high praise], latest chapter visit:.” Yun Che looks at already the scene that ‚mixing’ ‚chaotic’ gets up, is all of a sudden difficult to see the extreme with Duke Huai face that ‚color’, at a moderate pace [say / way]: „However four months ago, the Golden Crow Lightning Flame Valley seal was opened unexpectedly forcefully, you are very certainly strange are the reason are very why simple! Golden Crow Lightning Flame Valley, has had one to enter forcefully, draws support from the Demon Emperor imperial seal of Demon Emperor clan with method that comes out forcefully!”
„Four months ago, Little Demon Empress is uses the return the Demon Emperor imperial seal, enters Golden Crow Lightning Flame Valley forcefully, wants first to go to the Golden Crow ancestor place, awakens the Golden Crow bloodline! But this should only be a secret of Demon Emperor clan, the person of Duke Huai palace is actually the purity that knows! Duke Huai , that so-called vanished for hundred years, regulations continuously hidden in Demon Imperial City Duke Ming, then follows enters Golden Crow Lightning Flame Valley, under killer to Little Demon Empress, after they think Little Demon Empress and I have been buried in Sea of Death, then uses the Demon Emperor imperial seal that seizes from Little Demon Empress, why was separated from Golden Crow Lightning Flame Valley this is, Demon Emperor imperial seal in his body ◎ 79, on m!”
„Duke Huai , this time. You must give what explanation not, does what quibbles?” Yun Che sneers lightly: „Your following quibbling may want ‚essence’ color point, does not want Low Rank to insulting our intelligence quotients!”
Yun Che these words, main hall is once more boisterous a piece, the boiling water that fluctuating sound ‚wave’ such as seethes with excitement is ordinary. Everyone looks to the Duke Huai vision is the drastic change. That the Demon Emperor imperial seal that departs from the Duke Huai space along, all people look clearly, are unable to deny and quibble absolutely.
The Duke Huai palace has the ambition, this point, Demon Imperial City completely knows. But this ambition, with the Illusory Demon ruler, strikes a vicious blow to the Demon Emperor clan final successors, is the completely different two concepts! The former, caused that many influences measure the later support and attach, but the latter that is kills one's sovereign to seek the position, the action of treason and heresy!! By the Demon Emperor clan in the Illusory Demon Realm prestige, initiates the angers of Illusory Demon Realm all subjects with being hostile sufficiently, does not accommodate for entire Illusory Demon Realm!
„, Really is Duke Huai ”
„This this is the huge stratagem goes against!”
„Duke Huai is what kind , is also impossible to make this matter also to have Sir Duke Ming this should not!”
„The Demon Emperor imperial seal this can also have the vacation on Duke Huai !”
„Prince, you really” question, is surrender Duke Huai palace middle-aged Duke, time that he spoke, both hands were trembling. Today's situation is far from common, because this is under glare of the public eye of world outstanding heroes, was opened, may be big crime reads that kills one's sovereign extremely ;! Although Demon Emperor [lineage/vein] will soon break do not have, but the load bearing the Demon Emperor clan of Golden Crow bloodline in the Illusory Demon Realm prestige, is being radically unmatched!
The influences of most surrender Duke Huai government offices, are because Little Demon Empress the potential is weak gradually, but the Duke Huai palace is getting more and more formidable, after Little Demon Empress, the Demon Emperor bloodline cut off, will inevitably be the Duke Huai world. For the future of family or influence, surrender Duke Huai
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