Color. Ground color dark brown dorsally and laterally, fading to tan on ventral half of
inframedian plate series, tan ventrally. Head with small white spots (possibly yellow in
life), spots getting larger posteriorly. Usually 2–3 spots per plate anteriorly and one posteriorly. Ventral spots lengthening dorsoventrally on inframedian and ventral plates series
until fading into ventral coloration. Ventral surface of upper lip brown. Dorsal-fin membranes hyaline or with slight spotting; dorsal-fin spine and rays with oval spots. Adipose
fin with weak spots or mottled. Caudal fin distinctly lighter ventrally; spots on ventral lobe
fairly large and round and spots on dorsal lobe smaller and oval. Leading edge of pectoralfin spine light; pectoral-fin spine with or without spots; small round spots centered on pectoral-fin rays; color slightly fading posteriorly on pectoral fin. Pelvic fin with larger spots
fading distally, spots on both rays and membrane. Anal fin tan or mottled.