11 December:
Sunk: by U.S. Marine aircraft 30 miles southwest of Wake Island (18-55 N, 166-17 E). The initial pre-landing bombardment attempt ended in disaster, with destroyer HAYATE being sunk by gunfire. YAYOI, MUTSUKI and KISARAGI of Desdiv 30 made an abortive attempt to bombard Peale and Wilkes Islands but broke off when YAYOI was hit by shellfire. [1] Due to air attack and the shore batteries, Invasion Commander Kaijioka ordered the landings suspended and surface forces to retire. While thus engaged, KISARAGI came under air attack. About 0537 a bomb struck which blew off most of her bridge. At 0542 she upended sharply and sank so swiftly that all hands, including Lt.Cdr.Ogawa and 156 men were lost.[2]