Skin must be hydrated and this must be performed 24 h before the
. Application of sunscreen products at a rate of 1 mg/cm2 on
Transpore, Quartz, PMMA, PTFE and Vitro-Skin have been
performed quite easily, although with hydrated Vitro-Skin the
application must be performed quickly in order to weight correctly
the amount applied. Controlling the amount of product applied on
roughened quartz plate is difficult to achieve because of the low
adherence of the sunscreen. Self-standing Transpore tends to break
down and, for this reason, it is used coupled to a smooth quartz
plate; this results in lower transmittance values. Not all substrates
were photo-stable and only PMMA plate and roughened quartz
plate can be recommended for photo-stability tests. PTFE also
showed to be suitable for photo-stability tests and can be regarded
as an alternative option.