If you look at the drawings for the day beds, you will see that they are two different sizes, so yes please look at this,
Yes, when looking at the furniture display, it’s obvious that there are 2 sizes.
But in the drawing list, the S-O2 is missing.That is certainly the reason why K. Nattaneeporn told me that S-01 and S-02 were the same.
So, please send me the drawing of S-02 for quotation. This
yes i would like samples of the wood and the cancas that yoir arer proposing, and also if it comes in different colours.
I will send you some Maysafang wood samples. We can finish it in 5 colors (from clear to dark, please make your selection).
We used color #3 for Amantaka furniture as you can review in our company profile attached.
I confirm details of couriers (wood and awning) ASAP.
Delivery address for samples is