when someone takes a business trip he/she can claim/ reimbursement (pay back)
Employee expense claim values are falling.
It is interesting to note that the average amount of expense reports is down in 2011 from previous years, though it still remains at a relatively high level. More than a quarter of respondents (25.8%) claimed on average between €150 and €300 per month, with only 16.5% of respondents advancing less than €150 per month. Surprisingly, 17.5% claimed to advance between 1,000 and 2,000 Euros in an average month!
Another lesson: scanning and automation of expense claims saves everybody a great deal of time. 43.1% of survey respondents take less than 15 minutes to complete an expense claim. At the other end of the scale, 2.8% are more painstaking and take more than two hours. Once again, we are talking about money; it is serious and suffers no compromise. The slightest mistake represents a possible financial loss for the traveler.