Problem statement has mentioned the selection of SEEQ as the instrument for evaluation and control of the
Arabic Language education in Malaysia. Thus, the purpose of this research is to evaluate the use of SEEQ in the
context of Malaysian education. This research covers the validity and reliability of SEEQ based upon the
collected local data. Hence, the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) is implemented. Harrington (2009)
suggested that’…CFA can be used to examine whether the original structure of the measure works well in the
new population’. In this research, CFA is used with the assistance of Analysis Of Moment Structure (AMOS)
version 18. To test the internal consistency, Cronbach’s alpha is used for various scaled instruments such as
SEEQ by using SPSS software. The evaluation of the usability of SEEQ in CFA is implemented based on fit
indices such as CMIN/df, CFI, GFI, AGFI and RMSEA readings. This study used the following analytical
readings as proposed by Hair, Black, Babin, and Anderson