Life will have changed in the next 50 years.
The humans will move on Mars. Now that the weather changes a lot everything from global warming affect humans is very difficult the population of the world increased steadily many more consumers make the world hotter. The human half of the world would immigrate to live on Mars may not run out because the world human crisis is difficult. Design build cities are divided into small town located two hundred thousand people is a city in space by creating a system to weight rather than fly back and forth. Best travel in space creates a sailboat is the nest of this vehicle so that plasma color moves in space. Life in outer space don’t want oil to sunlight rather than because there is enormous with a large solar panel creates however. Certificate does not drop down on the surface of the Earth, because the air has a feeble sunlight can be received at any time and there are no clouds to obscure the. Trees on Mars will grow much faster than our world grow faster because with carbon dioxide and. Plants like carbon dioxide At the same time, we do not transport oxygen and nutrients to the plant, khaioksichen, with ourselves.