1. See the table below about selected Ayat and Surah from Quran for each of you.
2. This work is only to write with pencil on used paper, so you cannot send to me via any email because I'll accept only writing work not typing work!!! You work must be put on my office desk.
3. Plz include the date of you submission and what time you put it on your paper so that I can see who comes first.
4. As per the attached file, each of you must write - that exact Ayat of Quran I selected for you in Arabic, then English translation.
5. After that, you must go and interview any Ulama in Thailand (anywhere but only in Thailand) for writing the Tafsir of that selected Ayat and Surah.
6. Write the complete Tafsir in English (your interview can be in any langauges - Thai, Melayu, Arabic - but when your write the Tafsir for me plz do it only in English).
7. Moreover, at the end of your interview paper (original paper that you'll be using for interview) plz include the name of Ulama (any 1 or 2 or more Ulama), full Muslim name in Arabic+English, signature, address, ph. number)
8. You also have to express your ideas at the end of the Tafsir that what you've learnt from each selected Surah/ Ayat is................