The power supplied by the GTG is 65MW which exceeds
the DLN limit by a comfortable 11MW. 11MW is equal to
30,5% of the permissible 36MW operating range. The other
GTG shall also operate at 30,5% of its range, but its range is
between ≅0MW and 40MW. Its operating point is thus
12,2MW. Thus although the % loading within the operating
ranges is the same, the % loading based on Pmax is not. The
DLN GTG is operated at a higher % load than the other GTG.
When a load step occurs, the primary regulation of all turbines
will react to increase the power output but at a slightly lower
frequency. As shown in Fig. 7, primary regulation will change
the operating point along the droop curves without taking into
account DLN operation.