Safe schooling
By martin Raby
1.Nowadays more teens than ever before either bullied at school.
Bullies hurt their victims in different ways -physically,psychologically and verbally. It can happen to anyone and may be as a result of many things, such as appearance, social standing or even friendship groups. What can we do, then, to make school a safer and happier place for young people?
2. First, if you are a victim of bullying, it would be a good idea to talk to an adult you can trust. With their help, you can avoid dangerous situations. Remember - you do not have to suffer alone.
3. lt would also help if you spent as much time as possible in the company of friends. By doing this, you avoid giving the bully the opportunity to pick on you. You have a far greater chance of being able to ignore or stand up to bullies if you are with a group of people.
4. Another suggestion is to join your school’s antiviolence programme, if one exists. Alternatively, you could start one in your school to combat the problem. ln this way, you will be able to help not only yourself, but others who may be in a similar situation.
5.There are many ways to put a stop to bullying. lt should not be tolerated under any circumstances. Speak out and make our schools safer!