Aforementioned, electricity or diesel is the main contributor of
environmental loads. It is notable that remanufacturing has close
interactions with the energy-related sectors. The internal promotion
of remanufacturing itself and external development of these
relevant sectors are both critical for reducing the environmental
issues. Replacement of diesel by natural gas in high temperature
decomposition will decline the overall environmental impacts,
which is feasible for current remanufacturing cleaning practice.
Renewable energy has been a buzzword in scientific community
and it is an essential pathway towards sustainability. Integrating
more renewable energy into the power system would, to large
extant, improve the environmental performance of highly electricity
reliance technologies. Even though it is superior to current
cleaning system from not only the perspective of environmental
impacts but also some technical aspects, the SCCO2 cleaning system,
as a novel remanufacturing cleaning and a key part of ecoindustry,
still needs multi-aspect efforts from government to be
adopted in remanufacturing practice