the velocity variations in the interior of the building are very
significant. A study in a measurement plane (i.e. the classical
method) is thus limited to concluding on ventilation in a room
or in a portion of a room;
some living spaces are defined to particularize the study of
ventilation to portions of the most used rooms;
the coefficient ˜CV defined in the literature is modified
according to the constraints related to the CFD tool. It is in
particular adapted to life volumes;
the well-ventilated percentage of volume is defined and
applied to living spaces. It makes full use of all the
information connected with the building and its environment
to produce a non-dimensional number, easily used by
architects and engineers.
The results relating to the coefficients ˜CV and the wellventilated
percentage of volume P are:
the definition of living spaces strongly conditions the results
(P and ˜CV) because of the strong variations in velocity
amplitudes in the flow through the building. Future work
based on a sensitivity analysis is envisaged;