„Asura Spirit World World Spirit, your this whole life has been hopeless, let alone this whole life, depends on your this intelligence, the next generation, the next next generation, one after next next generation will be hopeless, because your talent will be limited, others will unable to have a liking for you, forever and ever, will be doomed you only to have second-class World Spirit.”
May not need Chu Feng to speak, Sima Ying then once again opens the mouth, the cunningness of words, swift and fierce of expression, even if Chu Feng is also admires, this girl is not only rash, this insulted the human to come, sufficed to damage , was not only relentless, poked the sore spot.
But hears this words, face green turning green of Bai Yunxiao whole person, because Sima Ying spoke in his mind to go, he envied Chu Feng, envied Chu Feng, envying Chu Feng can conclude the contract with Asura Spirit World, had such fierce World Spirit.
But he does not have, he again wants to have, did not have the opportunity, this was not can obtain diligently, but was the talent, was the inherent talent.
No matter he does want, but he actually has to acknowledge that in the talent in technique of World Spirit, he indeed is inferior to Chu Feng, this is in his heart the biggest pain, but sore spot that this conceals vigorously, at this moment actually by Sima Ying deep in poking.
„Snort, if not for he gets rid arbitrarily, I and others can also break that dragon vein blood, cuts to kill that monster flood dragon king of beasts.” May at this moment, Ben Lei Hu actually be the righteousness words jumped, is not concerned about face unexpectedly very much, said that Chu Feng minds others'business.
„Is, his Chu Feng simply has not obtained the execution dragon level duty the qualifications, why to meddle this matter, meddles without him, we can also tidy up that crowd of bastard.”
„In my opinion, he wants against the wind to snatch insanely.” But at the same time, Qi Yanyu and Zhao Jin Gang, are open the mouth to attack Chu Feng unexpectedly, stiffly rescues them Chu Feng, to behavior that talking into has not been concerned about face.
„My God, sees has not been concerned about face, has not seen has such not been concerned about face, your facial skin thick enough to are unable to imagine simply.”
„Others Chu Feng good intention has saved you, you said him unexpectedly like this, do you have a conscience?”
„Luckily here those present are many, if those present are few, you are must instead bite Chu Feng this savior one, to release in your hearts, was snatched the crest of wave anger?” Sima Ying face shocking saying, resembles by Zhao Jin Gang several is not concerned about face, is shocked.
„fart, savior? Does he also match? Does he have this qualifications?” Zhao Jin Gang and others, has denied flatly, Chu Feng rescues their fact.
„~~~~~~”, but he such remarks, unexpectedly a hiss piece, this sound not from Cyanwood Mountain, but came from in the people that surrounds.
„~~~~~~”, but after this, various hiss are continuously resound, all people in this manner, taunted Zhao Jin Gang and others.
After all, formerly had anything, all people are clear watching.
Perhaps if not for Chu Feng, Bai Yunxiao Zhao Jin Gang and others, really died in the hand of monster flood dragon king of beasts.
The people that at this moment, their actually so Chu Feng, surrounds, were unable to continue watching.
„You, you ...” Zhao Jin Gang and others, has not realized them, has caused the popular anger, regarding this situation he, they not only has not submitted, instead clenching jaws of air/Qi, the double fist grips tightly, Lian Daodao the blue vein, has braved.
„...” But regarding these clumsy mischief-doers, Chu Feng was light to smile, has patted the shoulder of Sima Ying, said: „Walks, lowers oneself to the same level to do with them.”
„Also is, this type of waste, this girl manages them to do.” But Sima Ying is takes advantage of opportunity to leave, just before leaving before , does not forget to shame their one.
„Chu Feng, can you dare with my one point of height?” But when Chu Feng and others, preparation turns around to depart, the violent anger sound, actually suddenly behind resounds in Chu Feng together.