The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of the OTSS
compared to the RTS during bouts of physical activity in a hot environment. The
relationship between physiological variables and perceptions were also examined.
The results of this study seem to indicate that both the OTSS and RTS may be
useful in determining thermal sensation perceptions as when compared to one another
with a correlation of (r = .11; p < .0001) (CI= .71 to .84) was found. As discussed
earlier, the goal of the Rohles study was to determine the relative importance of
temperature and humidity in predicting thermal sensation and from the mass quantity of
subjects, temperatures, and relative humidity used reliability and validity was established
{r = .88 to .92) (Rohles and Nevins, 1971). There have been other RPE scales that have
demonstrated validity by establishing correlations between the scales in question. In one
such study, concurrent and construct validity of the Adult OMNI Scale of Perceived
Exertion Walking/Running Exercise was examined. The scale was compared to the Borg
RPE scale and indicated that both concurrent r = .67 to .88 and construct validity r = .96
(P < .01) had a positive linear relation for both men and women (Utter et al. 2004).
Numerous other OMNI scales have been validated, but to our knowledge, no previous
studies have evaluated the validity of the OTSS.
The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of the OTSScompared to the RTS during bouts of physical activity in a hot environment. Therelationship between physiological variables and perceptions were also examined.The results of this study seem to indicate that both the OTSS and RTS may beuseful in determining thermal sensation perceptions as when compared to one anotherwith a correlation of (r = .11; p < .0001) (CI= .71 to .84) was found. As discussedearlier, the goal of the Rohles study was to determine the relative importance oftemperature and humidity in predicting thermal sensation and from the mass quantity ofsubjects, temperatures, and relative humidity used reliability and validity was established{r = .88 to .92) (Rohles and Nevins, 1971). There have been other RPE scales that havedemonstrated validity by establishing correlations between the scales in question. In onesuch study, concurrent and construct validity of the Adult OMNI Scale of PerceivedExertion Walking/Running Exercise was examined. The scale was compared to the BorgRPE scale and indicated that both concurrent r = .67 to .88 and construct validity r = .96(P < .01) had a positive linear relation for both men and women (Utter et al. 2004).Numerous other OMNI scales have been validated, but to our knowledge, no previousstudies have evaluated the validity of the OTSS.
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