Object Oriented Paradigm is a set of thinking
methods on how to build abstract models from the
physical world with objects and their relations. It
consists of object oriented analysis, object oriented
design and object oriented programming. At present,
the OOP language has become the dominant software
development language, commonly used OOP languages
include C++, C#, Java etc.. These languages have their
own characteristics. Let’s take the "Object Oriented
Programming", the introductory programming course
for computer major students for example,, if students
focus on learning one language in detail at the very
early stage, very likely they would pay more attention
to the details of the language while hardly establish the
object oriented thinking. The students in the
independent college are usually not good at self
learning, if we use a language such as C#, in this course,
students still need to learn other programming language
courses in the future as selective course, such as Java,