We know that if we are to achieve our goals, we need to find relevant ways to monitor our progress and disclose our performance. Through accurate measurement and transparent reporting we will be able to hold ourselves to account and share our progress with our stakeholders. We want to be more open with the information that we share. However, we don’t think that it’s just about the quantity of data that we disclose. It’s about focusing on those issues that are material to our business and enable us to achieve our goals. We will continue to use our balanced scorecard – the Steering Wheel – to manage and measure our business performance. Through its five segments – Community, Operations, People, Finance and Customer – we are able to measure our nonfinancial performance through our key performance indicators (KPIs) to give us a more balanced view than using financial data alone. This year we are introducing an additional Scale for Good Scorecard of indicators which we will use to measure each part of our strategy in the coming years. Some of the indicators are new whilst others draw from the KPIs in the Steering Wheel. During the coming year we will focus on establishing baseline data against the key areas of our strategy so that we can set meaningful and informed targets for future years. We will also continue conversations with our stakeholders on how to strengthen these measures.