They're really interested both dextranase and alpha-amylase application.
Last season they made trial for alpha amylase only not dextranase in raw sugar process not refinery process with high temp. above 80 C degree.
No any bee food information they have liquid sugar but for drinking & beverage business mainly.
1-week free trial for dextranase was confirmed.
50,000 TCP new records for next season was told with extreme exciting from Robert.
Within 1-week later Robert will send proposal for both dextranase and amylase to us then to customer for their internal approval.
We also got approval for polymer lab test again but need to send official letter.
Good day , good meeting and ..Robert feeling so happy with this visit.
Arrived AP at 15:00 PM.
Sorry for late report.
Very busy this evening at office for EGAT-polymer bid documents arrangement..but finally last minute...
Many thanks for new experience for me and our team.......