1. The Proliferation of Portable Phones. The fact that Singapore has the largest percentage of cellular phone users in the world may be wonderful news for the telecom service providers, but it sucks for the rest of us. It probably wouldn't be so bad except that a large percentage of Singaporeans don't know when to use their phones appropriately. It horrifies me how many educated, otherwise well-bred people will talk on their phones in movie theatres, at business seminars, and in fine restaurants without a second thought. And never mind the even greater number of people who refuse to turn off their phones or pagers in these events or at least use a silent alert mode. In Tokyo, I have seen more than once a person who received a call on the train and deferred the call because he was actually embarrassed to disturb the people around him. While that's a little overboard, Singaporeans could take a lesson in appropriate places and times to use their phones.
7. The Singapore Zoo. If there is one thing that is a "must see" for your visit to Singapore, it's the Zoo. There is a whole story about the Zoo here if you are interested. But let me just say, there are tons of monkeys at the Zoo. Need I say more?