Because you have purchased goods from the Phayao Lake Co., Ltd., the company would like to thank you for your interest in purchasing our product and thank you for your trust in the quality of the products and services of the company.
Phayao Lake Co., Ltd. 's products, delivered to you. The number that you want to order?, and the item is defective, damaged, or not? If the goods are damaged or do not fulfill the number of your order. You can contact or notify the company at the address provided, or
Water hyacinth bags are durable and beautiful properties due to the shift of water hyacinth bag company. The focus is on durable, and the company has used someone in production instead of using production machinery. Its goal is to promote to the public has increased revenue and promote a reduction in water pollution.
Phayao Lake way Co., Ltd., has launched a new product is shoes, Ocean, forests, water hyacinth from the focal point of the product is natural. Emphasize the use of natural materials as much as possible, wear comfortable foot massage helps in blood circulation. Phayao Lake Co., Ltd., the way glad to cooperation and consultation in the sale always. So hope you will get used again later.