child representatives and the members in range that must be harvested from the knowledge and experience necessary.
And learning in individual areas have restrictions. Story time because each child to contribute to other activities that provided from the hub center,
which is part of the skills for life, with a strange boy can learn through activities such as learning.
Non-formal education 2 days per week. Sports activities.
To participate in the various activities. Vocational skills training through professional baking can be done once a week.
Each new Member is in the process of practicing the skill to continue. After the first phase, it will see the development of each child sue will inform you later.
As part of the development of life skills to children. Able to learn through activities such as formal learning. 2 days. Sports activities
involved in many activities. Vocational training through the bakery can be done once a week,
each new member during practice running. After a while We will see the development of each child. Which will be inform later.