After the intervention, the mean scores of all five components increased. The difference of 1.4 in the mean score of component 5 (partnership between school and the community) was the largest change of all the components. Among the items in component 5, we found the largest improvement was shown in ‘clear definition of the roles and responsibilities between the school and the Burmese community’. Collaboration with the local community is an important element in school health programs (WHO, 1998; WHO, 1999; WHO, 2003). Response A (‘easy and does not need much money’) of component 5 showed the highest increase of all. We calculated the mean number of response A by dividing the total number of response A by the total number of items in each component, and component 5 ranked highest among all the components. However, further detailed information should focus on the steps and obstacles for schools to improve the problems in component 5.