Family allowance or "allocations familiales"
Under the new proposal, parents will continue to receive family allowance on a monthly basis for each child they have. From 2015, the payment will be combined with the child bonus or "boni de l'enfant".
Under the new regime, for a first child, parents will receive 185.60 euros per month in parent allowance with an additional 76.88 euros bonus (combined total of 265 euros, 2.52 euros more than the current 262.48 euros per month).
For the second child, they will receive a total 530 euros for the allowance and bonus combined, 64.48 euros less than the current amount paid. However, the payment is equal to two times the payment issued for one child. For three children, the state will pay 795 euros per month, equivalent to 238.38 euros less than what is currently paid.