Mean value for AMK (Accounting Managers’ Knowledge) is 3.7095
which express a mild agreement of respondents about the impact of
AMK on the AIS, with 0.83085 standard deviation value which explains
the dispersion of responses from the mean. Mean value for TMS (Top
Management Support) is 3.7486 with dispersion value of 0.68411.
Moreover, mean value of 3.6640 for AIS (Accounting Information
Systems) is the lowest mean value for any variable in this study with
standard deviation value of 0.59067. Furthermore, mean value for PM
(Performance Management) is 4.1514 with lowest dispersion value of
0.44391 comparative to other variables. Lastly, mean value of 4.1919
for OP (Organizational Performance) is the highest mean value in
relation to other variables with the standard deviation value 0.43471.
All these value are explaining the central tendency of response rate and
the dispersion of responses from the central tendency.