1. Add the plums and water to a pot. The plums should be completely submerged in the water. If the plums are not submerged in the water then add more water.
2. Simmer the plums for 2 hours or until the plums are completely mushy and the water has turned a deep dark purple color.
3. Filter the juice with a strainer double lined with a cheese cloth.
4. Add the filtered juice back to a pot and bring to a boil.
5. Ladle the hot juice into jars leaving ¼ inch head space. If your last jar does not have enough juice in it to fill the jar, then add some hot water.
6. Adjust the two piece caps.
7. Process in a boiling water canner for 15 minutes in a boiling water bath.
8. To serve, dilute with water by 50%.