Change and transformation are inevitable phenomenons
of life. Landscapes are formed and changed by natural
and cultural dynamic forces. Changing societal values,
global dependency, and decrease of local autonomy,
which the European countries experienced after World
War II, brought up new landscapes and life-styles
(Antrop, 2005). The leisure behaviour patterns of
individuals and communities depend on many factors.
Although, leisure behaviour develops throughout life
while adapting and renewing itself continuously (Mobily,
1987), it definitely has a strong relationship with both the
lifestyles and the physical environment it occurs within.
Cybriswsky (1999) summarizes common trends of
contemporary life as increasing privatization of spaces
that were in the public domain; surveillance of public
*Corresponding author. E-mail: Tel:
+90 312 5961730. Fax: +90 312 3176467.
spaces and control of access to improve security; and the
use of design themes and break connections with local
history and geography.