The socket addressing system enables TCP and UDP to perform another important Transport layer task: multiplexing and demultiplexing
Multiplexing / demultiplexing enables the lower levels of the TCP/IP stack to process data without regard to which application initiated that data.
All associations with the originating application are settled at the Transport layer, and data passes to and from the Internet layer in a single, application-independent pipeline.
The key to multiplexing and demultiplexing is the socket address. Because the socket address combines the IP number with the port number, it provides a unique identifier for a specific application on a specific machine.
See the Telnet server depicted in previous page
All client machines use the well-known port address TCP 23 to contact the Telnet server, but the destination socket for each of the connecting PCs is unique.
Likewise, all network applications running on the Telnet server use the server's IP address, but only the Telnet service uses the socket address, consisting of the server's IP address plus TCP port 23.