The results of this research program was the development of program theory for evaluating the success of policy
implementation in schools by using inductive and deductive approaches that resulted in the program theory
consisting of (1) the intervention in terms of the communication strategy including directives, self-study, exchanging
conversations and consultation with mentors (2) the determinants including planning, resource support, supervision
monitoring, policy understanding, attitudes to the policy, and readiness (3) the outcomes including short-term
outcomes in terms of the teachers’ behavior, the intermediate outcomes in terms of the teachers’ quality and the
long-term outcomes in terms of the students’ quality. These components of the program theory will be used as the
indicators of success in terms of the evaluation, and will consist of 22 indicators.
This research was divided into two phases. The first phase was to develop the program theory and the associated
indicators by means of studying documents and undertaking interviews, focus groups and observation with regard to
actual conditions. These factors were then used to develop the draft program theory. The next phase of there search
is still in the examination process in terms of the program theory accuracy and straightforwardness, by using a
structural equation model in order to ensure its reliability. This is in line with the concept of program theory
development as proposed by many scholars