The Internal Equities Department invests directly in global equity markets and actively manages these investments in order to generate returns that outperform the relevant benchmarks.
Internal Equities identifies investment opportunities based on bottom-up fundamental research, focusing on companies’ structural value propositions.
The Department manages multiple internal active portfolios that are organised by geography, sector and/or theme. It utilises a fundamentally driven, research-based, stock selection approach that seeks to generate alpha within predefined risk parameters. Each team is led by a portfolio manager, backed up by a deputy, and consists of analysts as well as sector and/or country specialists.
The Internal Equities Department invests directly in global equity markets and actively manages these investments in order to generate returns that outperform the relevant benchmarks. Internal Equities identifies investment opportunities based on bottom-up fundamental research, focusing on companies’ structural value propositions. The Department manages multiple internal active portfolios that are organised by geography, sector and/or theme. It utilises a fundamentally driven, research-based, stock selection approach that seeks to generate alpha within predefined risk parameters. Each team is led by a portfolio manager, backed up by a deputy, and consists of analysts as well as sector and/or country specialists.
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