Adding new production capacity. You have the option at any time to expand the capacity of the 2 million-pair north American plant and/or the 4 million-pair asia-pacific plant. You can also establish a production base in the other two geographic areas. New plants in Europe and latin America may be constructed in capacities ranging from a minimum of 1 million pairs annually to a maximum or 2 million pairs per year (not counting overtime). New plant can be expanded later as needed. The construction of new plants and plant expansions takes 1 year to complete. Thus a decision to build a new plant or expand an existing plant in year 11 means the plant or plant expansion will come on line ready for full production at the beginning of year 12. There is no limit on the number of times that an existing plant site can be expanded. The maximum amount that an existing plant can be expanded in any one year is 50% of existing plant capacity, all plant expansions must be in increments of 100,000 pairs. The north American and asia-pacific plants and any new plants built in Europe-africa or latin America can be expanded over time upto a limit of 12 million pairs of total production capacity (not counting overtime) at each plant site. Therefore, the company is limited to a maximum of four different plant sites (one in north America, on in asia pacific, one in Europe-africa, and one in latin America) and a maximum of 48 million pairs of capacity, far in excess of the total capacity you will need.